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Rocket League
Rocket League (4 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Germany Ostro offline Player active
Germany SybotLV5 offline Player active
Austria wimmi offline Player active
Germany Yuna offline Player active
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Mario Kart 8
Mario Kart 8 (10 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Germany Dused offline Player inactive
Germany MagE offline Player inactive
Germany MH offline Player email inactive
Germany Nohi offline Player inactive
Germany Nova offline Player inactive
Germany Ostro offline Player inactive
Germany ReFLeX offline Player inactive
Germany Rimba offline Player inactive
Germany SybotLV5 offline Player inactive
Austria wimmi offline Player inactive
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TTT Core
TTT Core (13 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Germany Dused offline Hermann inactive
Germany Ecstasyy offline Hermann inactive
Germany Finn offline Hermann inactive
Germany MagE offline Hermann inactive
Germany Mario offline Hermann inactive
Germany MH offline Hermann email inactive
Germany Nohi offline Hermann inactive
Germany Rimba offline Hermann inactive
Germany ReFLeX offline Hermann inactive
Germany SybotLV5 offline Hermann inactive
Austria wimmi offline Hermann inactive
Germany Yago offline Hermann inactive
Germany Curry offline Neuer Ehrenpräsi inactive
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Mario Kart Wii
Mario Kart Wii (17 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Germany Dani offline Player email inactive
Germany Dused offline Player inactive
Germany Ecstasyy offline Player inactive
Germany MagE offline Player inactive
Germany Mario offline Player inactive
Germany MH offline Player email inactive
Germany Rimba offline Player inactive
Germany SybotLV5 offline Player inactive
Austria wimmi offline Player inactive
Sweden Wosie offline Player inactive
Germany Ostro offline Substitute inactive
Germany Anita offline Substitute inactive
Germany Jillian offline Substitute email inactive
Germany Lyca offline Substitute inactive
Germany Stina offline Substitute inactive
Germany Yuna offline Substitute inactive
Germany Yvi offline Substitute inactive
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Mario Kart Wii Ladies
Mario Kart Wii Ladies (9 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Germany Yuna offline Leader inactive
Germany Yvi offline Player inactive
Germany 8-bit.bonb0n offline Player inactive
Germany Anita offline Player inactive
Germany Jillian offline Player email inactive
Germany Lyca offline Player inactive
Germany Nile offline Player inactive
Germany Stina offline Player inactive
Sweden Wosie offline Player inactive
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Mario Kart 7
Mario Kart 7 (4 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Germany Dused offline Player inactive
Germany MagE offline Player inactive
Germany Ostro offline Player inactive
Germany Rimba offline Player inactive
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All-Star Racing
All-Star Racing (6 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Germany Dused offline Player inactive
Germany Lyca offline Player inactive
Germany MagE offline Player inactive
Germany MH offline Player email inactive
Germany Rimba offline Player inactive
Austria wimmi offline Player inactive
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Former Players (5 members) [ Results | Awards | Challenge ]
Nickname: Position: Contact: Activity:
Germany Dani offline discarded email inactive
Germany heni offline left inactive
Nepal Marco offline discarded inactive
Germany Ruffy offline left inactive
Germany Sma offline auf der Flucht inactive
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Copyright © 2009-2010
Design by Doublekey.de - Re-Designed and arranged by τeam ττ and povupine.com
Mario Kart and Wii are trademarks of Nintendo - used images © Nintendo
mk8 05.09.2014
RS - 390:291
mk8 17.08.2014
G37 - 359:337
mk8 15.08.2014
ESP - 343:353
mk8 27.06.2014
G37 - 299:396
mk8 22.06.2014
=★ - 491:493
mk8 21.06.2014
AR - 339:357

τττ Core statistics
Wars:341(0.06 / day)
Filter:last 50last 100
Best:Ø +137vs. N3C
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