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Last update: July 22nd, vs. TGC

Player Points # of Wars # of GPs GP Avg. best GP best Avg.
Dani 1170 17 59 19,8 43 28,3
Ecs 934 12 42 22,2 46 29,3
MagE 1899 21 74 25,7 48 35,7
Mario 1616 14 52 31,1 52 37,3
MH 2672 28 97 27,5 60 (2x) 45,3
Ostro 2135 23 82 26,0 51 33,3
Smasho 194 3 11 17,6 32 18,8
wimmi 1953 22 68 28,7 60 44,7
Yuna - - - - - -
Team 12573 31 107 117,5 185 172,0

Player best ττ / GP best ττ / war GPs won wars won
Dani 5 0 3 0
Ecs 5 0 5 0
MagE 11 3 8 2
Mario 23 8 19 6
MH 26 8 15 4
Ostro 14 2 9 1
Smasho 2 0 1 0
wimmi 26 13 14 6
Yuna - - - -
Team - - 70 20


Player Disconnects Bonus for DCs Total points incl. bonus
Dani 4 60 1230
Mario 2 18 1634
Team 6 78 12651

Team - best difference in a clanwar: 538 (8 GPs)
Team - best difference in one Grand Prix: 126
Team - consecutive wins (GPs): 13
Team - consecutive wins (wars): 8
Team - consecutive losses (GPs): 6
Team - consecutive losses (wars): 3
Individual consecutive wins (GPs): 4 (Mario)
Individual consecutive wins (wars): 4 (Mario)

to be written ..

If a player disconnects during a GP, that GP will not count as "GP played" nor as "Points scored" in these tables which legitimates the "Avg. score"!
If a player disconnects during a GP, that GP will also not count for the average score of the specific clanwar to legitimate the average and the possibility of this average being the player's "best Avg."! So it may happen that a player's "best Avg." is 60 because the GP(s) he/she played without disconnecting was/were a score of 60 points.

Of course, these stats are a little off because they are about clanwars ranging from 6vs6 to 1vs1 and different lengths (1 to 8 Grand Prixs) and therefore the awarded points are not always comparable.
Copyright © 2009-2010
Design by Doublekey.de - Re-Designed and arranged by τeam ττ and povupine.com
Mario Kart and Wii are trademarks of Nintendo - used images © Nintendo
mk8 05.09.2014
RS - 390:291
mk8 17.08.2014
G37 - 359:337
mk8 15.08.2014
ESP - 343:353
mk8 27.06.2014
G37 - 299:396
mk8 22.06.2014
=★ - 491:493
mk8 21.06.2014
AR - 339:357

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Wars:341(0.06 / day)
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Best:Ø +137vs. N3C
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