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clanwar details

date: 16.01.2010
game / squad: Mario Kart Wii
opponent: μr / Unrelenting Resistance
league: Clanwar 5on5 [matchlink]
maps: Grand Prix 1, Grand Prix 2, Grand Prix 3
map result
Grand Prix 1 151 : 93
Grand Prix 2 137 : 107
Grand Prix 3 134 : 110
total 422 : 310
τττ team: Dused, MagE, MH, wimmi, Ostro
μr team: Diego, Metonic, Ruffy, Snake, SNK
server: WFC
hltv server:

"Wer is'n erster?" "Die anderen" *blue shell* "ähm, MH ist erster" "whoops"
Da waren die 60 Punkte dahin. Dused war DC-Player (15 Punkte ftw) und wimmi hat das Kart-Fahren dem Top Score vorgezogen.

Author: Ostro


ttt - Team TT
Dused - 15 + 34 + 15 = 64
MagE - 42 + 29 + 35 = 106
MH - 31 + 19 + 53 = 103
Ostro (Evenge)- 24 + 28 + 25 = 77
wimmi (Jippi) - 39 + 27 + 06 = 72

[ur] - Unrelenting Resistance
Diego - 10 + 18 + 15 = 43
Metonic - 06 + 31 + 38 = 75
Ruffy - 32 + 29 + 25 = 86
Snake - 20 + 07 + 08 = 35
SNK - 25 + 22 + 24 = 71

Differenz: 112

01. MagE - 106
02. MH - 103
03. Ruffy - 86
04. Ostro - 77
05. Metonic - 75
06. wimmi - 72
07. SNK - 71
08. Dused - 64
09. Diego - 43
10. Snake - 35


GP1 - 150ccm
DS Peach Gardens
GCN DK Mountain
GCN Waluigi Stadium
GBA Bowser's Castle 3

GP2 - 150ccm
N64 DK's Jungle Parkway
SNES Mario Circuit 3
N64 Mario Raceway
N64 Bowser's Castle

GP3 - Mirror
DS Delfino Square
Rainbow Road
N64 Sherbet Land
Dry Dry Ruins


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#10 by wd 21.02.2010 - 02:59
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#9 by wd 21.02.2010 - 02:58
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#8 by lj 09.02.2010 - 01:22
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#7 by MH Clanmember 17.01.2010 - 19:02
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*MH fainted*

#6 by MagE Clanmember 17.01.2010 - 16:43
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lol genau MH hatte funky anstatt bowser :P

#5 by Ostro Clanmember 17.01.2010 - 16:28
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Du hattest den Affen .. smile
sonst hätt ich ja nicht fragen müssen

#4 by MH Clanmember 17.01.2010 - 15:57
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"MagE for stfu in Skype"

Ostro for watch the Bowser being 1st on the map before shooting the blue shell smile

#3 by Dused Clanmember 17.01.2010 - 12:07
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Affeflop, Daisytop. :P

#2 by MH Clanmember 16.01.2010 - 21:28
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#1 by Ostro Clanmember 16.01.2010 - 21:25
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wimmi for bike
MH for affeall
MagE for stfu in Skype :P

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Design by Doublekey.de - Re-Designed and arranged by τeam ττ and povupine.com
Mario Kart and Wii are trademarks of Nintendo - used images © Nintendo
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