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clanwar details

date: 25.03.2010
game / squad: TTT Core
opponent: G37 / Gaming-Elite Team
league: CTGP 5on5 [matchlink]
maps: Grand Prix 1, Grand Prix 2, Grand Prix 3, Penalty
map result
Grand Prix 1 94 : 150
Grand Prix 2 138 : 106
Grand Prix 3 138 : 95
Penalty -20 : 0
total 350 : 351
τττ team: Dani, MagE, MH, Rimba, wimmi
G37 team: Tock, Mahrla, Ziax, Bitch, Tighty
server: WFC
hltv server:


Unser erster War auf den Custom Tracks. Erster GP mussten wir uns einfahren, auf Cheep Cheep Beach hat uns Mahrla nen SC vorgeführt, dann hat wimmi ne Doppelwahl gemacht und MH hat Green Hill Zone zweimal hintereinander gewonnen. GP3 verlief ruhig.

Author: MH


ttt - Team TT Core
MH - 30 + 46 + 44 = 120
Dani - 28 + 30 + 24 = 82
MagE - 21 + 20 + 29 = 70
Rimba - 8 + 31 + 33 = 72
JohnDoe (wimmi) - 7 + 11 + 8 = 26

G37 - Gaming-Elite Team
Tock - 46 + 9 + 9 = 64
Mahrla - 37 + 30 + 20* = 87
Ziax - 34 + 23 + 23 = 80
Bitch - 18 + 26 + 24 = 68
Tighty - 15 + 18 + 19 = 52

Differenz: -1

01. MH - 120
02. Mahrla - 87
03. Dani - 82
04. Ziax - 80
05. Rimba - 72
06. MagE - 70
07. Tock - 64
08. Bitch - 68
09. Tighty - 52
10. JohnDoe (wimmi) - 26


GP1 - 150ccm
Mushroom Peaks
GBA Sky Garden
GBA Rainbow Road
SNES Mario Circuit 1

GP2 - 150ccm
Cheep Cheep Island
Green Hill Zone
Green Hill Zone (repeat by wimmi)
Codename: Bigbox

GP3 - 100ccm
Space Road
Chomp Valley
SNES Bowser Castle 2
Thwomp Cave


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#1 by MH Clanmember 31.03.2010 - 07:23
Avatar   Germany email Homepage offline quote

Echt knackig.

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