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clanwar details

date: 10.09.2010
game / squad: TTT Core
opponent: KT / Kira Team
league: Clanwar 5on5 [matchlink]
maps: Grand Prix 1, Grand Prix 2, Grand Prix 3
map result
Grand Prix 1 144 : 100
Grand Prix 2 139 : 94
Grand Prix 3 139 : 105
total 422 : 299
τττ team: MagE, Mario, MH, Rimba, SybotLV5
KT team: Jaws, Lloyd, Rukawa, Paou, Shaka
server: WFC
hltv server:

Endlich der lang ersehnte Sieg gegen Jaws & Co. Und nebenbei gabs noch etwas WCL-Training für meine Wenigkeit - 8 Blitze ftw amused

Author: MH

[21:27:09] Jaws Jawesome: wOW
[21:27:15] Jaws Jawesome: u faggots are SO PUSSY


ttt - Team TT Core
Mage - 30 + 35 + 24 = 89
Mario - 28 + 50 + 32 = 110
MH - 18 + 26 + 21 = 65
Rimba - 54 + 10 + 33 = 97
SybotLV5 - 14 + 18 + 29 = 61

KT - Kira Team
Jaws - 20 + 41 + 40 = 101
Lloyd - 26 + 15 + 19 = 60
Rukawa - 9 + 15 + 4 = 28
Paou - 6 + 11 + 28 = 45
Shaka - 39 + 12 + 14 = 65

Differenz: 123

01. Mario - 110
02. Jaws - 101
03. Rimba - 97
04. Mage - 89
05. MH - 65
06. Shaka - 65
07. SybotLV5 - 61
08. Lloyd - 60
09. Paou - 45
10. Rukawa - 16 (2 GPs) + 12*


GP1 - 150ccm
N64 Sherbet Land
DS Delfino Square
Koopa Cape
DS Peach Gardens

GP2 - Mirror
Daisy's Circuit
Coconut Mall
N64 Bowser's Castle
Moonview Highway

GP3 - Mirror
N64 DK's Jungle Parkway
GCN Mario Circuit
SNES Ghost Valley 2
GBA Bowser's Castle 3


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#5 by MH Clanmember 11.09.2010 - 14:16
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Jaja, nicht anders hat Jaws in den anderen 30 Wars, die er gegen uns gefahren ist, gewonnencrazy So läuft MKW heutzutage wohl.

WCL wird sicher epic.

#4 by Nohi 11.09.2010 - 11:21
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Loss by a lot, funny shit, I used Birdo GP1 thinking this shit would be a breeze (which it should've been), but then I realized I had too much faith in my team mates. Switched to Funky GP2 and GP3 and got 40 and 41 respectfully. Funny how those 2 pussies MH and Mage stopped for shock every race and got it, about 14-16 shocks thrown by ttt. Then on BC3, last race, I get blued 3 times and Elche gets blued 2 times, and then we're top 3 at the end anyway and they shock dodge to own us, I dropped my controller at the instant this happened. can't believe how pussy ttt and Rv are.
by Jaws

#3 by MagE Clanmember 10.09.2010 - 23:23
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Wir hacken Lolol

#2 by MH Clanmember 10.09.2010 - 22:04
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War ist etwas komisch eingetragen, kann wimmi vll. bei Gelegenheit mal drübergucken smiling

#1 by SybotLV5 Clanmember 10.09.2010 - 22:01
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ttt4hax olioliolllliolo

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